1F25: Media Impact Response

Before reading my fellow colleagues’ blogs, I expected pretty much all of them to have different world views from mine, but I came to realize that we all share similar perspectives, different experiences but yet so similar. Media has definitely impacted us both in a positive and negative manner. I am very pleased to have come across some pretty amazing blogs that has help solidify my beliefs on the impact of mass media that affect my world views.


Let me just start off by ignoring the negatives for a bit and focus on a positive we can take away from the impact media has had on us. According to Meagan, messages are being passed across efficiently and much quicker between various parties (http://mm13sa.wordpress.com/2013/09/25/cpcf-1f25-blog-1-media-impact/). We can communicate better with people through various means of media. This is very true and accurate; mass media has made it possible for us to receive up to date information about current situations that happen across the world. I can know what is happening in Palestine by just sitting in my room and accessing the computer.


Another interesting blog I came across was Farah’s. She talks about how the government can manipulate the media and take advantage of us by feeding us with false information and this is something I found very interesting (http://farahalhalbouni95.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/1f25-post-1-media-impact/). Most people in this part of the globe are oblivious to what is truly going on in other regions of the world, and one of the reasons being that, the government has withheld substantial information from us and made it private. Coming from an Arab country, she has seen the negative impact of the mass media if in the wrong hands, and I as well can definitely relate to that.


Hayley believes the media is an external factor that has influenced our idea on what we can consider as ‘beautiful’ (http://hb123na.wordpress.com/2013/09/19/the-influence-of-media-a-blog-for-cpcf-1f25/). We idolize so many celebrities and most of us aim to be like them. This can be both a good and bad thing. There are so many good people around that we should aspire to be like, and then there are people who act and dress in a certain manner that is not very appropriate, and for some reason I do not understand, those are the ones we seem to imitate. We change our look, body size, how we dress, etc., because of what people consider as ‘beautiful’ now.


Knowing I share similar world views with so many people is very refreshing. From what I have read so far, I can strongly speak for my peers and say mass media has made a significant impact on all our life. It has in some ways made life convenient and in many ways worsened things. I can only wonder what life in 1700s would have been like without various forms of mass media.

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