Blog Entry 2

Do we get the media we want or want the media we get? I find this very interesting, just because I’ve strongly been in support with the notion that we do in fact get the media we want. Previously we the audience/viewers had no input to what was offered to us, we accepted anything that was given to us, but lately it seems like the audience is now in control of the media. We choose what information we want and if it isn’t to our requirements/liking, we totally ignore it. Companies have come to realize that this and are now capitalizing on this fact. More companies have started listening to their audience in terms of what they want and the companies quickly respond by providing it. Most companies don’t bother listening and just give whatever they deem fit, and a lot of times; it doesn’t end up to good for them.

Take for example, the entertainment industry. Every television show is now tailored for specific audiences. That’s why we see a single T.V network have at least 15 different shows every season. If a show doesn’t do well in terms of viewership, it is quickly axed out and is replaced by a new show. Who do you think control the ratings that influence the views? We the audience! If we don’t watch it they aren’t going to make their profit. The point here is that the audience determines whether a company is profitable or not. Audience love being involved in shows, and like I’ve said earlier some companies have realized this and have quickly capitalized on this. Bill Hammock noted than U.S telephone company AT&T invested in development of American idol to encourage the audience to keep texting(media and society, 5th edition, Page 8, Hammock 2004). That way people can vote by texting more and this will see them very profitable.

So with these few points I ‘ve stated, I Strongly do believe that we the audience are totally in control of the media we get.

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1 Response to Blog Entry 2

  1. Pingback: Wanted: the media that we need | byrae

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